Membership Information

Membership Information

Mingus Gem and Mineral Club meets monthly, the first Thursday of the month, except July and August. The meetings are held at the Cottonwood Recreation Center, 150 S. 6th Street, Cottonwood, Arizona 86326 at 6:00 PM.

Membership dues are: $15.00 for individuals, and $25.00 for a family (I.e., living in the same household with children if any, under the age of 18). Effective with the September General Meeting, dues are discounted 50% for the remainder of the year. $7.50 individual and $12.50 for family.

In addition to the monthly Meetings, the club offers several field trips throughout the year for paid up members, who have signed a liability form.

Meetings normally are 1 - 2 hours and consist of a business meeting, speaker(s), raffle, silent auction and refreshments.

The Mingus Club sponsors 2 yearly Gem and Mineral Shows in Historic Clarkdale Arizona, February and September. Club members are encouraged to volunteer to help with the shows.

To become a member: A signed Membership Application form, and dues (checks made to the Mingus Gem and Mineral Club), sent to P.O. Box 1284, Cottonwood, Arizona 86326. Liability Forms can signed at a general meeting.